Join us for a free winter holiday week at Kunsthall Stavanger! From Thursday 2. to Saturday 4. March, between 11:00-2:00, we open our workshop for kids and families. We invite you to explore dreams and hopes together with our educator.
Our workshop will transform into a winter cave cabin, where kids and adults together work on questions about what they hope and dream about. The results become dream planets that are hung up as parts of a dream room in the workshop.
On Thursday, the kids can also take part in a very special explorative art tour in our exhibition. Here, dancer Victoria Heggelund will take kids on a 40-minute active and fun tour, where they get to interact with Tiril Hasselknippe's extensive exhibition, Play. Entry and participation is free.
In the foyer we serve coffee and waffles.
This semester we are focusing on care in our education programme. The right to dream and hope is an important part of experiencing care for ourselves and others.